
HT Cosmetic and Trauma Centre

Above information is true to the best knowledge. i understand that i am finacially responsible for my payments during my treatments and Consultation.

if you will not be able to attend to your appointment.kindly inform us within 48 hours.please note that all payments are NON-REFUNDABLE. if the treatment is not suitable for you,it is possible to switch to a similar treatment, (Example: Form Facial treatment to another facial treatment or foam body slimming machine to another)


I declare that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and I have not concealed any information that may interfere with my treatment or outcome.


1. Respect the rules and regulations of the centre.
2. Show respect for others.
3. Provide complete and accurate information about current complaints, nearby illnesses, hospitalizations and treatments, as well as any known drug allergies.
4. Follow the treatment strictly as advised by the doctor/specialist/therapist.
5. The client takes responsibility for refusing or not following a treatment plan after being informed of the possible consequences of this decision.
6. Follow safety rules including no smoking, maintain cleanliness of the place and maintain hand hygiene. Children are not allowed to be alone in the reception area, staff are not responsible for supervising children. Any damage to furniture and other property of the facility will be covered by the parents. Children are not allowed inside any of the treatment rooms.
7. Respect the priority given to emergency matters.
8. Avoid bringing valuable personal belongings to the centre. The Center will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to such goods. However, in emergency cases you should inform the nurses and give them these valuables duly filled in on the special form in the presence of the center security staff. You must keep a copy of this form and verify the official identity of the recipient.The management of the Center is not responsible for any consequences arising from not following the above instructions.
9. Patients will understand that some treatments may be unpleasant and may have transient side effects that require the patient's cooperation and patience.
10. Any issue shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Mumbai Courts.
11. Results may vary between clients and each session and are not guaranteed,
12. Clients undertake that they have obtained medical advice regarding this treatment
13. The client is aware of all the risks involved, which have been explained to me in detail by the doctor/therapist of MUUSE and will not hold Merai Aesthetics Pvt. Ltd. Ltd. or its directors or representatives are responsible in any way.

Additional Terms and Conditions for Client Protection

Photographic Consent: The client consents to the clinic's use of photographs for documentation, research, educational, and promotional purposes, ensuring anonymity and confidentiality unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): The client agrees not to disclose any confidential information obtained during treatments or consultations, including but not limited to proprietary techniques, procedures, or other intellectual property belonging to the clinic.
Indemnification: The client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the clinic, its affiliates, employees, and representatives from any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses arising from or related to the client's treatment, actions, or omissions.
Limitation of Liability: The clinic limits its liability to the extent permitted by law and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the client's treatment, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence.
Emergency Contact Information: The client agrees to provide accurate emergency contact information and authorize the clinic to disclose such information to relevant medical personnel in case of emergencies.
Follow-up Care: The client agrees to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by the clinic and to promptly report any adverse reactions or concerns to clinic staff.
Termination of Services: The clinic reserves the right to terminate services or refuse treatment to any client at its discretion, particularly in cases where the client fails to comply with clinic policies, exhibits abusive behavior, or poses a risk to themselves or others.
Governing Law: The agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction], and any disputes arising from or related to this agreement shall be resolved exclusively through arbitration in MUMBAI- INDIA.
Updates to Terms: The clinic reserves the right to update or modify these terms and conditions at any time, with notice provided to clients via email, posted notices, or other means of communication.
Acknowledgment of Understanding: The client acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to all terms and conditions outlined in this consent form and any related documents provided by the clinic.